Animals questions and answers
My Cat Has Had A Stroke. I Am Feeding Her And Giving Her Water....
I am doing what the vet said to do for my cat but I am worried about how often she needs a litter box. Is you cat competent to urinate and defecate on her own? If so I...
11 Year Old Mixed Lab/chow Is Sweating So Much Her Bed Is Soaking...
She is biting herself, we are treating for fleas she also has an oily appearance to her coat. Some dry patchy sore on her hind end. Sounds resembling you should take your pup to the vet to determine the ultimate...
Are These Signs Of Early Pregnancy In My St Bernard?
I had my Akc St Bernard breed the last week of June first of July. The owner of the male never saw them together, since her coming home 3 weeks ago her nipples are protruding out and her mood is different, she bark at people,...
At What Age Can Kittens Be Weaned From Their Mom?
Kittens should be weaned at 6-8 weeks of age. At about 4 weeks of age start offering a kitten food gruel several times a day in insertion to the milk. Vaccinations should start at the time of weaning as well.
Can You Name 5 Things That Has Milk In Them?
A carton A bottle A cow A nursing Mother foods that contain milk such as ice cream. I am not sure the above is what you are looking for. If you mean foods that would cover a lot of nouns as well: Cake cookies ice cream...
Can You Teach Me How To Do Something About His Training?
My 10-Week Old Puppy Goes On The Floor. He Has Forgotten His Pads. Even Though I Just Spent 1/2 Hour Outside.Puppy potty training help. Well you need to know this. Dogs are one of the most sensitive animals termed by man. What I...
Do You Want To See Photo Of Dobsonfly?
3-4 inch flying insect with pincers and antenna Yes sure, I will be glad enough to see it. Rather it will be very informative and amusing for me. Well in fact I was wondering if someone had a photo of a dobsonfly for me...
How Should I Check If She Has Had Babys Or Not In Her Cage?
I Think My Hamster Is Pregnant She HS Lost A Lot Of Weight And Doesn't Come Out A lot Also When I Held Her And Put Her Back In The Cage She Was Squeaking And Ran Back To Her House !!...
How To Stop My Dog From Peeing On Every Corner Of The Furniture In...
Hi anyone know a trick or secret that will stop my dog from peeing on every corner of the furniture in the house. I've tried all kind of stuff. Hopefully i missed something. HELP!THANKS ALL You didn't say whether...
How To Treat My Dog?
My dog has sores and scabs all over her belly she keeps biting at them I'm guessing because thy itch what could it be and what should i do? It could be fleas,perchance a skin allergy, you need to take your baby to a vet to really find out...
I Have A Dog Who Is Just 2 Months Old,Can I Give Him Rabies Shot...
The earliest you should get a rabies shot is 4 months of age. Some areas give it at 6 months though. The first is good for one year, consequently every shot after that lasts for three. Yes puppies can get rabies vaccine...
Is Animal Testing For Psycology Reasons Good Or Bad?
I am doing a dabate in schoool on animal testing here are the good reasons At lowest possible now someone has sort of taken control of animal testing and they can use machines or computer programs. I suppose that they might enjoy to test it on us...
Is There Anything I Can Do To Ease Her Discomfort ?
My lab/Aussie mix is having ear problems. I have used ear wash and it have helped a little. She is shaking her head and rubbing her ears on the hearth rug. Is there anything I can do to ease her discomfort ? There...
My 10 Week Old Pitbull Puppy Ate Chocolate Silk Pie And Now His Nose...
Chocolate contains theobromine that is toxic to dogs in sufficient quantities. This is a xanthine compound within the same family of caffeine, and theophylline. Xanthines affect the nervous system, cardiovascular system and at a tangent nerves. It has a diuretic...
My Dog Swallowed A Bur, What Should I Do?
A bur is a plant Thant is prickly and sticks to fur!! Don't worry about it. Dogs eat loads of things when we are not even notice them. A bur is fairly small, hopefully it will pass down. Yes if you notice that your dog...
My English Setter Has Been Vomiting, Had Diarrhea, Weight Loss, Excessive...
At first, I thought this was about a person, sorry. I infer you need to get the pup to the vet to make sure it isn't cancer, or a tapeworm or something close to that. Hope this helps, good luck to you and...
My German Shepherds Have A Goo Build Up Like Sleep And The Whites...
It sounds like your Shepherd has conjunctivitis (an infection of the cornea or outer surface of the eye). Have your dog examined by a veterinarian to confirm diagnosis, have the eyes stained to put together sure a corneal ulcer is not present,...
My puppy ate six Heartworm pills at once. What do I do?
My puppy eat 6 heart worm pills at once Take him to the vet. This is potentially an extremely dangerous thing for him. You might also want to try to brand him throw up. Good luck.
My Staffy Pre Due Soon But All I Was Told Is She Was Matted In...
Dogs are pregnant 69 days, if your not sure when she was bred give her a week or two more,. When a dog breeds it doesn't automatically take the first time, so she could hold been hit more than...
We Found Two Kittens...Any Suggestion?
We found two kittens in a shed and their really cold. The shed has been closed for give or take a few 6-7 days and theres no way a cat could have got contained by or out of it. We think their about 2 weeks old. Please bestow us some...
What are the appearance, size and color of the Dachshund dogs?
This dog is varies different from size to size, varying in different sizes and weight. The Dachshunds dogs comes contained by different sizes and colors usually these dogs comes in the combination of two or more colors. There are two types of Dachshund dogs...
What Are The Causes Of Watery Eyes Dogs ?
Runny eyes of the dogs can be due to irritation in the eyes or abnormal tear drainage. Irritation within the eyes can be due to bacterial or viral conjunctivitis, glaucoma, and problems in the eyelids and eyelashes. Some breeds of dogs have hairs contained by the...
What Can A Few Seconds Of A Very Hard And Deep Breath Be?
just got a Lhasa Apso on 28 of last month. She be doing just fine until last week when I noticed she started to enjoy a some king of breathing problem, she is fine the whole time when all of sudden she...
What Could This Be And How Do I Treat It?
9 Week Old Lab Puppy With Neon Green Worms In Stool.What could this be and how do i treat it? You could try a dewormer, but I don't know about this doing the trick. I would at least call a vet to find out...
What Dog Breeds Are Medium Size?
Cocker Spaniels Sheltland sheep dogs (Shelties) Beagles (mini - 13 inches tall - regular 15 inches tall) Bassett Hound (kind of heavy) Miniature Poodle (one size larger then toy but not as big as a standard) 20 - 25 pounds Both kinds of Corgie's 20 - 30 pounds Australian...
What Is Happening In My Dogs Tummy At 46 Days Of Pregnancy! Any Ideas...
I'm Trying To Learn More About My Dogs Pregnancy After 46 days of canine pregnancy, puppies are still growing. Bones of the puppies are almost complete. At this time you can get x-rays of your dog to know any abnormalities...
What is the temperament of these Dachshund dogs?
These kinds of dogs bear good characters and largely called the sports dogs which are very famous dogs. They are prominent for the chase dogs and commonly use for the chase of rabbits, birds and wounded deer. So these dogs are very intelligent dogs and they are...
Where To Take A Dogs Temperature?
Temperature in dogs can be measured through rectum. Normal rectal temperature in dogs is 100.5-102.5 F. You can use a mercury thermometer. Bring the mercury of thermometer below 94 F. Push the tip of the thermometer surrounded by the rectum up to one inch. Hold the thermometer there for...
Why Does My Dog Seems To Gag And Throw Up In The Middle Of The Night...
Maybe yor dog is sick.take it to see a doctor
Why Does My Dog Throw Up And Then Want To Eat Grass?
Let him eat a little grass, this is natures course of helping them clean their stomach sort of like how we induce vomitting if something makes us completely ill. It is the same way that house cats will on instant attack a house plant,...
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